Habitat Vault
Cherwell LPA, Oxfordshire
Demand from several house building clients in Cherwell led us to partner with a forward-thinking landowner to establish new BNG units in the Cherwell LPA. ​
Habitats under development :
Woodland; broadleaved
Neutral grassland
Ponds (non-priority habitat)
Arable field margin – game bird mix
Available Habitat and Hedgerow BNG Units: 100+

Chief Ecologist Dan in discussion with landowner Roy in Cherwell.
North East Derbyshire LPA
The owners of a disused mine in Derbyshire (pictured) contacted Habitat Vault to discuss the possibility of using their site to create BNG units. Having previously exhausted all possible options for the site, including plans for a golf course, the owners warmed to Habitat Vault's unique, joint venture approach.
Habitats under development: TBC
Anticipated Habitat and Hedgerow BNG Units: 100+

Aerial view of former mine in N.E. Derbyshire
Waverley LPA, Surrey

The rolling hills of Waverley
Situated in the heart of Surrey, this new habitat bank will deliver a large number of BNG units to both local developers and developers right across the south of England through its unique location in the Wealden Greensand NCA.
Habitats under development:
Woodland; broadleaved
Neutral grassland
Mixed scrub
Available BNG Units: 500+
Buckinghamshire LPA
We're really excited to work with the owners of this organic farm in Buckinghamshire. The farm, which is predominantly used to graze sheep, covers approximately 30 Ha of land and lies within the Chiltern Hills AONB.
Habitats under development:
Neutral Grassland
Available Grassland BNG Units: 150+

A chilly morning spent surveying in Buckinghamshire!